More Animals

We also have the following species of animals in our breeding facility at zoological garden Zoopark Zájezd.
Here are complete lists of Passerines from Latin America and birds from West Africa.

If you are interested in more information, please email us to

Arctictis binturong penicillatusJavan silver binturongJava-BinturongBinturong jávský
Caracal c. caracalSouthern caracalSüdkarakalKarakal jižní
Felis nigripesBlack-footed catSchwarzfußkatzeKočka černonohá
Miopithecus ogouensisNorthern talapoinNördliche ZwergmeerkatzeTalapoin severní
Meleagris ocellataOcellated turkeyPfauentruthuhnKrocan paví
Hieraaetus spilogasterAfrican hawk eagleAfrikanische HabichtsadlerOrel savanový